Media Library

Our body can only process and transform the food we eat. It is the same with mental food. It plays a big role what we read and what kind of pictures and movies we watch. What we consume in this area significantly influences our inner, mental state and consequently our body.

A good man brings forth good from the good treasure of his heart; and an evil man brings forth evil from evil. For whose heart is full, his mouth overflows.

Lucas 6,45

Reading can also strengthen our imagination. Or it can take us on a roller coaster of emotions. And it can inspire us as well as give us new insights into a subject or even life. Not to forget the aspect of imparting knowledge. These are for us enough of the good reasons to compile a media library to share with our fellow men valuable sources and inspiring contributions.

Not all Readers are Leaders,
but all Leaders are Readers.

Harry S. Truman

Do you have a book or video recommendation for us? Write to us using social media or the contact form.

Book Recommendations

Body & Soul
Nature & Life
History & Society
Body & Soul
March 14, 2025
Falun Gong, also called Falun Dafa, is a meditation practice for body and mind, whereby the practitioner integrates the highest principles of Falun Dafa - truthfulness, mercy, forbearance - and the five harmonious, easy-to-learn exercises into his or her daily life.
Li Hongzhi
Body & Soul
March 14, 2025
Fear is the tool of a man-made devil. Napoleon Hill reveals that he broke the Devil's Code, forcing him to confess his secrets. The resultung manuscript - Outwitting the Devil - proved so controversial, it was hidden for over seventy years. Sharon Lechter brings us this important book, annotating and editing it for a contemporary audience. Using his legendary ability to get to the root of human potential, Hill digs deep to identify the greatest obstacles we face in reaching our personal goals - including fear, procrastination, anger, and jealousy - as tools orchestrated by the Devil himself. These hidden methods of control can lead us to ruin, and Hill reveals the seven principles of good that will allow us to finally triumph over them and succeed.
Napoleon Hill
Body & Soul
March 14, 2025
Based on Lao Tzu's Tao Te King, Wayne Dyer describes how we can transfer this eternal wisdom into our present and apply it in everyday life. The texts read easily and reveal advice and assistance for all situations in life - all with the one basic idea of bringing man into harmonious harmony with his environment.
Wayne Dyer
Nature & Life
March 14, 2025
"ANASTASIA", the first book of the Ringing Cedars Series, tells the story of entrepreneur Vladimir Megre's trade trip to the Siberian taiga in 1995, where he witnessed incredible spiritual phenomena connected with sacred 'ringing cedar' trees. He spent three days with a woman named Anastasia who shared with him her unique outlook on subjects as diverse as gardening, child-rearing, healing, Nature, sexuality, religion and more. This wilderness experience transformed Vladimir so deeply that he abandoned his commercial plans and, penniless, went to Moscow to fulfill Anastasia's request and write a book about the spiritual insights she so generously shared with him. True to her promise this life-changing book, once written, has become an international best-seller and has touched hearts of millions of people world-wide.
Wladimir Megre
Nature & Life
March 14, 2025
Blending fact and fiction, the story relates an odyssey into realms of light and shadow, romance, and mystery. Guided by an eccentric old warrior named Socrates, drawn to an elusive young woman called Joy, Dan moves toward a final confrontation that will deliver or destroy him. This classic tale, told with heart and humor, speaks to the peaceful warrior in each of us, moving readers to laughter and tears — even to moments of illumination — as they rediscover life’s larger meaning and purpose. Join Dan on the peaceful warrior’s path. Find out why this book has changed lives.
Dan Millman
Nature & Life
March 14, 2025
The Warrior of The Light: A Manual invites us to live out our dreams to embrace the uncertainty of life, and to rise to our own unique destiny. In his inimitable style, Paulo Coelho shows readers how to embark upon the way of the Warrior: the one who appreciates the miracle of being alive, the one who accepts failure, and the one whose quest leads him to become the person he wants to be.
Paulo Coelho
History & Society
March 14, 2025
HOW THE SPECTER OF COMMUNISM IS RULING OUR WORLD is a must-read for every freedom-loving individual. The book reveals the ways in which the communist specter has burrowed into the minds of today’s people. It charts communism’s global advance and explains how this specter has embedded itself in nearly every facet of today’s society — from education to the judicial system — and the path humanity must take to escape its grip. Communism is neither a trend of thought, nor a doctrine, nor a failed attempt at a new way of ordering human affairs. Instead, it should be understood as a devil — an evil specter forged by hate, degeneracy, and other elemental forces in the universe.
Epoch Times

Reducing Stress and Anxiety | Energy and Vitality | Inner Peace - How Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance Enrich Our Lives.

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