Cortar los lazos con el Partido Comunista Chino (PCCh) antes de que nos hundamos con él

Apoyad nuestra petición en con vuestra firma

La Petitón

Por favor, encuentre la petición en español a continuación:

El Consejo Federal (gobierno de Suiza) ha decretado medidas drásticas para contener la pandemia de coronavirus. Muchas personas tienen miedo del virus así como de las consecuencias económicas. Razón suficiente para desviar la atención de los síntomas a las causas de la crisis.
Examinamos los vínculos entre las atrocidades cometidas por el Partido Comunista Chino (PCCh*), los que hacen negocios con él y la propagación geográfica de la pandemia. ¿Es una coincidencia que países como Italia, España y Suiza estén siendo golpeados con especial dureza? Parece que el virus sigue la nueva “carretera de la seda” china, “one-road-one-belt”…

La sabiduría antigua dice que no está exento de consecuencias si estás aliado con el mal.
La historia también nos enseña: encubrir a los criminales y hacer negocios con ellos trae mala suerte. El PCCh es responsable de la muerte de alrededor de 70 millones de personas en su propio país. Sus atrocidades continúan hasta el día de hoy. Esto también incluye el robo organizado por el estado de órganos de personas vivas. A través del ocultamiento y las mentiras, el partido es ahora responsable de una pandemia mundial y así muestra su verdadera y terrible cara una vez más. Más sobre esto en nuestro llamamiento al Consejo Federal.

¿Qué aprende Suiza de esto? Animamos al Consejo Federal con nuestro llamamiento a distanciarse claramente del PCCh! Por el bien de Suiza y sus ciudadanos.

Al apoyar nuestro llamamiento, usted se enfrenta claramente al mal y demuestra que los derechos humanos y el comportamiento ético son valores importantes y no negociables.

El PCC está a punto de hundirse. Evitemos que Suiza se vea envuelta en esta vorágine rechazando estrictamente esta fiesta diabólica.

¡Muchas gracias por su apoyo!
(Todos pueden firmar esta petición. Independientemente de la edad y la nacionalidad)

Lea usted mismo cuáles son nuestros argumentos. Haga clic aquí para ver la apelación completa.
Haga clic aquí para volver a la petición y firmarla.

*) El PCCh no representa ni al pueblo de China ni a esta cultura tradicional. El propio pueblo chino sufre bajo este régimen. Por lo tanto, la distancia al PCCh es uno de los apoyos más efectivos para el pueblo chino.

Cut ties with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in order not to drown with it

Support our petition on with your signature

Sign the petition

Please find the petition in English below:

The Federal Council (government of Switzerland) has decreed drastic measures to contain the coronavirus pandemic. Many people are afraid of the virus as well as of the economic consequences. Reason enough to turn our attention away from the symptoms to the causes of the crisis.
We look at the links between the atrocities committed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP*), those who do business with it and the geographical spread of the pandemic. Is it a coincidence that countries like Italy, Spain and Switzerland are being hit particularly hard? It seems that the virus follows the new Chinese Silk Road “one-road-one-belt”…

Ancient wisdom says that it is not without consequences if you are in league with evil.
History also teaches us: covering up for criminals and doing business with them brings bad luck! The CCP is responsible for the death of about 70 million people in its own country. Their atrocities continue to this day. This also includes the state-organized organ harvesting of living people. Through concealment and lies, the party is now responsible for a worldwide pandemic and thus shows its true, terrible face once again. More about this in our appeal to the Federal Council.

What does Switzerland learn from this? We encourage the Federal Council with our appeal to distance itself clearly from the CCP! For the good of Switzerland and its citizens.

By supporting our appeal, you are clearly standing up against evil and showing that human rights and ethical behavior are important and not negotiable values.

The CCP is about to decline. Let us prevent Switzerland from getting caught up in this maelstrom by strictly rejecting this diabolically acting party.

Cordial thanks for your support!
(Everyone can sign this petition. Regardless of age and nationality)

Read for yourself what our arguments are. Follow this link to the complete appeal.
Follow this link to go back to the petition in order to sign it.

*) The CCP represents neither the people of China nor this tradition-rich culture. The Chinese people themselves suffer from this regime. Distance to the CCP is therefore one of the most effective support for the Chinese people.

Reveal and eliminate causes of the coronavirus pandemic!

Deutsch, Español, Italiano, Français, 中文, Tiếng việt

The Federal Council (Gouvernement of Switzerland) has decreed drastic measures to contain the coronavirus pandemic. Many people are afraid of the virus as well as of the economic consequences. Reason enough to turn attention away from the symptoms to the causes of the crisis. 

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4-lake hike from Melchsee-Frutt to the Joch Pass (Central Switzerland)

Sunny southern slope, wonderful view above the timberline into the mountains, flower splendour and four deep blue mountain lakes. This is how today’s hike can be summed up in a few words. The route takes me from Sarnen to Stöckalp and from there up to Melchsee (“See” is the German word for “lake”), via Bonistock and Tannalp to the Joch Pass. From there it goes down to Engelberg. Besides Melchsee I pass Tannensee, Engstlensee and Trübsee. And I always have the mighty Titlis in my sights.

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Shopping and responsibility

Shopping is part of daily routine. A tea at the bar, lunch in the canteen or some bread on the way home. Then order a mobile phone holder for your car online at home.
So hardly a day goes by where I don’t buy anything.

What should I be worried about? Many may say: “I buy what I want and what it has to offer. The main thing is cheap.” But is that really the last word in wisdom?

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Book review: permaculture for everyone

Book review

Permakultur für alle (permaculture for everyone) from Sepp and Margit Brunner
Living harmoniously and easy gardening in harmony with nature
4th edition, 2007, publishing house Löwenzahn. ISBN 978-3-7066-2394-0

Permaculture for everyone, the book

The author lives with his family as a smallholder and self-supporter on a farm near Lienz (A). More than 20 years of experience in organic farming have been incorporated into the book.

“Permaculture for everyone” is aimed at people who feel the need to become active in gardening or to expand their knowledge in this field. It addresses people who are interested in self-sufficiency and a simple, sustainable lifestyle. The approaches of permaculture are the guiding principles. The aim is to live a harmonious life in tune with nature.

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book recommendation: "How The Specter Of Communism Is Ruling Our World"

Though the communist regimes of Eastern Europe have disintegrated, the evil specter of communism hasn’t disappeared. On the contrary, this evil specter is already ruling our world, and humanity must not harbor a mistaken sense of optimism.

Communism is neither a trend of thought, nor a doctrine, nor a failed attempt at a new way of ordering human affairs. Instead, it should be understood as a devil — an evil specter forged by hate, degeneracy, and other elemental forces in the universe. In another dimension, not visible to us, it took the form of a serpent, then that of a red dragon, and it keeps company with Satan, who hates God. It exploits low-level beings and demons to wreak havoc on humankind. The goal of the specter is to ruin humanity. While the divine offers salvation, communism tells people not to believe in the divine, attacks human morality so as to make people abandon tradition, and causes people to disregard God’s instruction and, ultimately, be destroyed.

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