Ulgupata and the chalice of poison

Does one have to drink the poison to know if it’s poisonous?
A fairy tale.

Once upon a time there was a young man named Ulgupata. He lived in a faraway land where people were doing well. Everyone had food and drink and a hut where they could rest in the dry after the hard but fulfilling work.
But one day the young man began to wonder.

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Reveal and eliminate causes of the coronavirus pandemic!

Deutsch, Español, Italiano, Français, 中文, Tiếng việt

The Federal Council (Gouvernement of Switzerland) has decreed drastic measures to contain the coronavirus pandemic. Many people are afraid of the virus as well as of the economic consequences. Reason enough to turn attention away from the symptoms to the causes of the crisis. 

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Recognizing the deception of communism

The current situation challenges every individual and society enormously. Reports about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) are being broadcast around the clock, so to speak. The newspapers and the Internet are also full of them. China, which is under the rule of the communist regime, is once again harming the whole world with its cynical and lying behaviour, thus showing its true face. Time to take a look behind the scenes.

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book recommendation: "How The Specter Of Communism Is Ruling Our World"

Though the communist regimes of Eastern Europe have disintegrated, the evil specter of communism hasn’t disappeared. On the contrary, this evil specter is already ruling our world, and humanity must not harbor a mistaken sense of optimism.

Communism is neither a trend of thought, nor a doctrine, nor a failed attempt at a new way of ordering human affairs. Instead, it should be understood as a devil — an evil specter forged by hate, degeneracy, and other elemental forces in the universe. In another dimension, not visible to us, it took the form of a serpent, then that of a red dragon, and it keeps company with Satan, who hates God. It exploits low-level beings and demons to wreak havoc on humankind. The goal of the specter is to ruin humanity. While the divine offers salvation, communism tells people not to believe in the divine, attacks human morality so as to make people abandon tradition, and causes people to disregard God’s instruction and, ultimately, be destroyed.

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